Are you Magnetizing Prospects? with Rainbow
Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,
Are you magnetizing prospects
for whatever endeavors you
are promoting?
magnetize prospects
Here is the text version of
the video for those of you who
wish to read, in addition to the
video link below.
This is a broad topic on being
magnetic. Later down the line
we can talk about itty bitty details
technology can be tweeked to
benefit your unique selling
proposition, or USP.
It’s really detrimental to
immerse yourself in mindset
if you’re serious about advancing
yourself in your journey
to success. Positive mindset
daily, from someone “higher” than
you in success in all forms is so
crucial. We cannot emphasize
this enough. This can come in
the form of audio, books, videos,
reports, newsletters, that you
are studying or subscribed to.
It can be listening to as little as
15 minutes a day, to even hours
a day while doing menial tasks
like the heavy hitters in the industry
Today’s broad topic on magnetizing
your prospects stemmed directly
from a mindset training we
personally invest in. Let’s dive in!
What’s the difference between
prospects and clients? Prospects
are familiar people or strangers
who you can introduce your
product, service, or idea you
are promoting to. Clients have
invested with money in your
product, service, or idea you are
selling already.
This information is for small business
owners or promoters of anything.
Magnetic versus pushy.
Have you felt what it’s like to be
either gracefully magnetizing what
you want, versus desperately
pushing with sheer force? Not so
good for the latter, even though
that’s what society deems appropriate.
Despite it being ingrained in your
programming that you must struggle
to achieve anything, ALLOW yourself to
flow and have what you want come
to you in life. We all need people
to sell to, whether it be your mission,
product, service, or ideas, even
if what you are promoting is free.
So, let’s train ourselves to attract
people to ourselves the smart way.
Wouldn’t it be awful to continue to
live an unfulfilled life?
Some people don’t know what their
purpose is in life. You may know since
you’re reading this you may be promoting
your life purpose already, or at least
one aspect of your purpose for living.
If not, we suggest you find it so that
it carries you passionately, successfully,
more energetically through your
meaningful life which you create.
If you are feeling an 8, 9, or 10 for
your life’s purpose, or your “big why,”
then you are on point. If not, and you
are at a 1-7 on a scale of 1-10, then
it’s time to do some soul searching if
you are to do what you came to do here
on Earth.
It sucks to live a life unaware of your
individual life purpose, dragging your
feet around in this life without that dream
spark that you live and die for.
It’s also a drag to know what your purpose is
but to be inactive, or living without
conviction in regards to your personal
dreams. At least having a product and
campaign to launch and sell your ideas,
products, or services, you’re already a
step ahead of people who live life aimlessly.
Dying with the music still inside of you
would be sad because you already have
products, services, information to offer
to uplift and change people’s lives for the
better. I know I wouldn’t want to come
back to this Earth plane again to repeat
the same lesson because I was slacking
off in this lifetime, especially if I was
aware of my “big why” before I died.
So getting your message out to
your audience is the next step for you.
You can do it alone, with a team or teams,
or establish a structure of people to even
continue to do it for you after you die.
The point is, attract prospects who will
become clients is the step after you have
a customer-ready product to promote
or sell.
We were sitting down at a mutual
table at a party when we met this
lady who was writing a book for
25 years. Let’s just say she was no longer
a spring chicken. I touched
upon options for this woman to
promote her book. I asked her if she was
into any marketing and promotions
campaign yet. I suggested book
signings and a book tour.
Of course, you all know
there are a myriad of advertising and
promotions both online and
in person. Creativity in promotions
can be fun to create if you’re into that
kind of thing, and even better, memorable
for your prospects who will hopefully
become your paying and loyal customers.
This lady disdainfully frowned at my
encouragement of her sharing her book.
I asked her, “Isn’t that the sole purpose
of creating your book, to publish and
share it with the world?” She said, “No,
I’m not into that. If I have only one
person read my book, then I’m happy.”
She was financially supported by
people so that she wouldn’t have to
work a job and could work on her
book creation full time.
She had several people proofreading her
work to be published but she did not
have any interest in actually sharing
her work with people who may need
or enjoy it! She would argue with me
that it was not important for people
to read her book. Was she writing it
to merely gratify herself, or was she
secretly wanting people to benefit
from reading it but masking over her
fear of rejection? She took up so many
people’s time just so they could help
her proof-read and edit, but for what,
to hoard it?
Our mentors teach us it’s
selfish if we don’t contribute our talents,
medicines, and gifts, which we are
meant to share with the world. When
you give up on manifesting your dreams,
someone on the other side of the table
doesn’t eat. There are people who will
receive what only you offer and be
impacted how they need to be impacted
when you offer it to them, not anyone
else. You are needed. There is a match
for every seller there is the perfect
client and vice versa. No one else can
impact the client the way you can. So,
don’t be selfish, create and share your
dreams with the world!
Honestly, Bear and I were exercising
a lot of patience with this woman because
one thing Bear and I both disliked was
that she criticized a lot of people and
things at the party. We chose to detach
and refuse to engage in her put downs.
Hang around, positive, uplifting folks!
Yolo, lol.
The reason you decided to read this
is coming up. Remember, you can
watch the video in addition to reading
this to engage all your senses and get
a deeper grasp on this knowledge. It’s
18 minutes when you choose to watch it.
Click here to watch the video,
“Are You Magnetizing Prospects?”
We vote for leaders who are confident.
The first quality to develop within yourself
to attract prospects is confidence. Have
you ever watched someone on stage,
whether it be an actor, someone giving
a speech, or an athlete? Doesn’t it make
you squirm when they are insecure and
not “bringing it?” We humans enjoy and
need confident people to lead us, to
entertain us, to inspire us to our greatness!
How do you begin to exhibit confidence
if you don’t have it already? Practice!
Put yourself out of your comfort zone
and keep stretching yourself beyond your
personal limits. Take a class, like public
speaking, drama, or join a Toastmasters club.
Commit to expose 1 person per day and
eventually grow to 3 people per day. Expose
just means introduce your selling proposition
by briefly mentioning what you and
you can exchange business cards or contact
info. Wear your favorite clothes. Imitate
confident people you watch on movies.
Pretend to be a superhero. Act in front of the
mirror if you have to before you practice in
public. Take up an activity that will personally
build your confidence, like martial arts or
dance, or athletics. Forgive and love yourself.
Building anything, including confidence takes
The second quality to develop within
yourself is generosity. We are attracted to
helpful, giving, generous people. Are you going
to buy off your prospects to listen to you by
giving them money? Lol, not necessarily, but
big companies do have freebie offers to introduce
and create a buzz for new campaigns they
launch for their products. You can give helpful
advice, valuable information or education.
You can do this with your time, or via something
you recorded, a video or an audio recording 24/7.
You can offer to reciprocate giving referrals of
perfect prospects to each other. You can listen
to someone in need. You can point someone
in the right direction so as not to enable them
to become helpless victims, but to empower them
to take personal responsibility. So you can be
generous with both tangible and intangible things.
You can still be generous and balanced. Don’t
go overboard and desperately fish things out
of people and get angry when you don’t get
them to buy. Have healthy boundaries to
prevent drain and resentment from people who
may take advantage of you. Generosity is
always more attractive than scarcity in money,
mentality, and love and attention. People will
see you as a resource or a hub to start you off
in the right direction for their evolution on
whatever aspects and levels of their lives.
The third quality to cultivate within yourself
is presence. What do I mean by presence?
Have you ever been on a date with a friend
and you didn’t fully enjoy his or her presence
for one reason or another? Maybe she was
worried about a crisis and couldn’t bring
her usual, pleasant, fun self to the table, mentally
and emotionally, despite your physical
proximity. Maybe she was on the cell phone
the whole time, texting and or talking on it
and ignoring you about 95% of your date?
Maybe this boss of yours did not hear anything
you said because he is too full of his ego
and thinks everyone is wrong except for him?
Have you ever experienced trying to speak to
someone who kept looking at his or her clock?
Your boss kept walking away from you
when you demanded attention for an urgent
situation? Your lover was spending time with
you but you felt his or her wasn’t into it because
your lover is now in love with someone else
other than you.
How do you be present? Be fully aware,
grounded, focused, and centered in the
present moment. Breath is the top technique
to get you present in as little as a few deep
breaths. You can start by listening
to yourself. When you learn to love, respect, and
listen to your higher self and intuition, then you
can be responsive to yourself and others. If you
Neglect your emotional and physical needs,
you got it, you will neglect others emotional and
physical needs, too. Remember, you can only
be present, generous, and effectively responsive
to others when your cup is full.
So it all boils down to take care of yourself
first so you will be able to have enough give to
be of effective service to others.
Genuinely learn to love yourself more
deeply everyday and you will be on the path to
being more and more attractive to everything
good from loyal, paying customers, opportunities,
health, happiness and fortunes.
Hopefully you learned or were reminded of
some things here. Go practice out in public
now! The most successful people are the ones
who not only learn the newest info fastest, they’re
the ones who implement them into their daily
business and life the fastest!
Let us know what other topics you would
like to hear about and yes we do read
your responses.
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Take care our friends!
Bear & Rainbow
The Healers of Online Marketing
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