Monday, November 29, 2021

Keeping Up With Inflation, The Devaluation of The Currency

“People will take their paper currencies and transition it to keeping up with what’s going on. And we are going to see more of this. And as bitcoin moves up, and as precious metals move up, more and more people are really going to take notice, and they are going to start to say, “I see what is happening here, and inflation is completely out of control. Gas is at 9 - 10 dollars. I can’t pay for anything, but if I take part of my paper currency, and if I put it into bitcoin or precious metals, all of the sudden, I am protecting myself, because now it is keeping up with inflation, the devaluation of the currency, and I do believe this is what this is all about.” To show the people first hand what is really going on. And eventually the people are going to make the final decision of which way they want to go.” (17:00 - 17:56)

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