by: Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle
posted on: January 10, 2010 Sunday
posted at:
We all march to the beat of our drum, you don’t say? Well, I see a lot of people fighting and or hating on each other. People judge each other everyday, people who hate one another, people who love each other, people who admire celebrities on television, people who work together, people who are family. It doesn’t matter how you feel about each other, we all are human and we all judge. The difference is, “Are you someone who allows another being to be, or do you force your beliefs and judgments on the other person / being?”
Sure there is a right time to do everything, from celebrating, to mourning, to apologizing, to forgiving, to accepting, to changing, to receiving, to giving, to getting outwardly getting busy, or to inwardly still. You can tell someone they need to apologize immediately after doing a bad deed. That same person may not agree, or may decide to apologize after 40 decades to holding on to that grudge. Yes, better late than never, if only to be forgiven and set free from the truth and burden for 1 second before death, so I’ve seen in the movies. Who are we to judge?
Unconsciously, when a lot of people talk, they may be projecting if they are not clear with themselves and the separate distinction of their personal issues from the issues of the person they are talking to. They are telling another person something that they feel they actually need to do with their own life, more-so than it actually being applicable to the person they are talking to. Sometimes they believe they are preaching to someone, but they are working out their own issues by placing the judgment on the other person they perceive has the problem. Whether it is true or not, when the projecting person does this he or she is usually unconscious of this.
We all heal ourselves by interacting with other people and ideas. We are annoyed by people who are late, maybe because we ourselves are late, take a look at it. Ask yourself, why do you hate this person or group of people? Is it because you yourself are guilty of the very same thing you are blaming or judging him/them for? Do you hate victims because you act like one yourself? Do you hate gold-diggers because you are one yourself?
Do you love underdogs because you feel can relate and are an underdog yourself? Why do you love certain martyrs, is it because you aspire to be one yourself but you are not there yet? Or is it because you already are one? Same for confident people, do you lack confidence so you’re attracted to confident people? Or do you admire confident people because you already are one and it takes one to know one?
Ask why you have a like or dislike for certain people. Be honest with yourself.
Kanye West said for himself that after his mother passed away he just kept on working and focusing on his successes so that he did not allow himself to mourn for a year or so after her death. Is that right? Is he guilty of something?
According to whose definition must we smile when we do not really feel like smiling on the inside? The “savage” indigenous people do not have the same social stigmas as the advanced “civilized” cultures do when it comes to a lot of things, such as saying what you mean, instead of beating around the bush. The indigenous will say, “You’re fat,” while the civilized will say, “You’re looking healthy.”
Who is right, what is right? Do we need to be right? Who needs to be right? Whose rules say so, and why? What if my rules are different from your rules? What if I am talking to a person who does not play by rules? Do we argue based on my God’s rules, or your God’s rules? What if you’re talking to someone with more than one god, or someone without God/gods, then what do you do?
Who are we to judge, and where do we get these “rules?” Should we feel shameful when we succeed at something because it is cocky to brag? Everyone has different personalities, cultures, upbringings, understandings due to the experiences one has had or not had.
People who need to be right are the most miserable people. In letting go of imposing our “right ways” on others, we liberate ourselves and them to learn at their own time, instead of killing the natural flow.
Is person A’s experience less valid because I cannot understand them? Is person B’s experience less valid because I do not agree with her? What if you know what you know because you know through your own experiences? Does that make your experiences invalid because other people cannot relate?
People criticize a lot. I’m all for solution-oriented, problem-solving, constructive criticism, truths. But if the intention to think, say, or write is out of fear, hatred, and separation, that is destructive and wasteful.
Nature does not judge, it just flows to protect the balance. Naturally every cell, every human, every galaxy is striving for balance.
Let’s stop judging other people and ideas and start focusing on how we can solve our problems of personal, institutional, global, and universal imbalances together.
Before we can do this, we need to put our judgments aside, even for an hour, just to get the job done. Then after the job is done, if you wish you can wear your “judgment hats” again, but I doubt you’ll want that burden on your heads after you’ve felt how liberating it is to be judgment free of yourself and others.
Again, intentions are more important than actions. I’ve stated this is a previous blog titled, “Facts versus Intentions,” posted on September 25, 2009 on
Everyone marches to the beat of their own drum. Even if one person trashes the land, the one person cares for it, in some ironic way, we are all at the right place, right time, doing the best we know at that moment. You may see a selfish, careless person, but did you ask for the whole story of the person who decided to trash the land?
If you perceive someone is acting fake, ask why? If you perceive someone is a puppet, ask why? If you perceive someone is pretending to be the puppet, ask why? If you know someone is smart but acts irresponsible, ask why? Intentions are more important than the actions. Intentions, intentions, intentions! Ask why, why, why! If you don’t get it, you still have infinity lifetimes to get it.
We all have the same desires, which eventually lead to balance, whether it be balancing our planet, or even balancing ourselves. People can do it in parasitic ways, or in contributing ways. We are all different and cannot change each other, only can we change ourselves.
Let’s be judge-free of other people, they are in that state of mind or being because there is still certain lessons she or he needs to learn. We are all different, yet the same that we are all different, so let’s practice being judge-free, if only for 1 minute this year. To judge or not to judge, that is the question.
Thank you for sharing in this neutral energy exchange with me.
~Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle
Related Reading: “Facts vs. Intentions,” postedSeptember 25, 2009 on
“Healing--It Is All That Is” ~Sbth.
Follow me (Rainbow’s), and us at (mission account) (Bear’s)
Healing--It Is All That Is

***GET YOUR BOOK!!! "Standing Bear & Rainbow Heart Speak on Everyday Empowerment"----available soon. Standby!!! ***
Meanwhile, order Llewellyn 2008 Magical Almanac featuring MY MAN'S NAME (Standing Bear) in print - is out Now! They picked up Bear's client's article on DNA Dowsing and in fact many contributing authors have some DNA work in this issue!
~Shamanic EMPOWERMENT : Unconventional,Revolutionary~
Bear and Rainbow do Revolutionary Eclectic Healing & Beyond (REHAB) Shamanic EMPOWERMENT services because they love to see people take their power back on all levels. They remind people of their personal power that they already know, not to remember, but to LIVE it. Self-empowerment helps people reclaim their power on all levels. They don't just give you a fish. They teach you how to fish so you help elevate those who are willing to take responsibility for their own lifes path.
1. Bring justice to all injustices on every and all levels possible, from personal, to institutional, to global, to universal
2. Personal development / Self-improvement
Healing--It Is All That Is

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