But you cannot fight it until you firstly, fight it, secondly, clear it, thirdly, heal it, within yourself, personally, first. That is why this revolution starts with healing your past abuses, your inner demons. Only once you are clean and strong will you better be able to lead your fellow humans the way. Then, we can all conquer the malevolent forces outside of us, outside of Mother Earth together, when the time comes. That is why if you fail, I fail, and if I fail you fail. We are all in this together people!
Do you see what multi-dimensional revolution is about now? We are all citizens of a global community.
But some of you still like to throw tortillas at each other on the football field just because you hate the rich white people who live on side A of the valley and river and you hate the poor Hispanics who live on side B of the valley and river. What the fuck! We either live together, or we die together, out with your tortilla wars!!!
twitter.com/RainbowOfREHAB (Rainbow’s),
twitter.com/BearAndRainbow (mission account)
twitter.com/BearOfREHAB (Bear’s)
Healing--It Is All That Is

***GET YOUR BOOK!!! "Standing Bear & Rainbow Heart Speak on Everyday Empowerment"----available soon. Standby!!! ***
Meanwhile, order Llewellyn 2008 Magical Almanac featuring MY MAN'S NAME (Standing Bear) in print - is out Now! They picked up Bear's client's article on DNA Dowsing and in fact many contributing authors have some DNA work in this issue!
~Shamanic EMPOWERMENT : Unconventional,Revolutionary~
Bear and Rainbow do Revolutionary Eclectic Healing & Beyond (REHAB) Shamanic EMPOWERMENT services because they love to see people take their power back on all levels. They remind people of their personal power that they already know, not to remember, but to LIVE it. Self-empowerment helps people reclaim their power on all levels. They don't just give you a fish. They teach you how to fish so you help elevate those who are willing to take responsibility for their own lifes path.
1. Bring justice to all injustices on every and all levels possible, from personal, to institutional, to global, to universal
2. Personal development / Self-improvement
Healing--It Is All That Is

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