Want to heist the heisters, and hurt them in their pocket, the way they plan to hurt you in yours? Then buy silver NOW!!! ALL that you could. Forget about the food and guns, and stay tuned...
Instead of looking up for Planet X, Nibiru and Comet ELEnin, open your eyes and look straight in front of you.
Welcome to the New World Order.
One World Government. One World Religion One World Currency.
Plan A? Pull off the Greatest Heist in this Millennium.
How? Tell everyone that their money is useless paper, and to exchange it for gold, silver, guns and food, then default on the national debt, and throw America to the IMF wolves, and then confiscate their gold, silver, guns and food.
What is mortals' one weakness? The need to eat food and drink water.
Plan B? Wipe all food and drinkable water from off of the planet by the creation of floods, droughts and other disasters, then strip farmers of their land, and outlaw the growing of food and the raising of herds, to cause the people to have no other choice than to come to Pharaoh, and sell all that they have and then themselves for food and water in order to survive.
twitter.com/RainbowOfREHAB (Rainbow’s),
twitter.com/BearAndRainbow (mission account)
twitter.com/BearOfREHAB (Bear’s)
Healing--It Is All That Is

***GET YOUR BOOK!!! "Standing Bear & Rainbow Heart Speak on Everyday Empowerment"----available soon. Standby!!! ***
Meanwhile, order Llewellyn 2008 Magical Almanac featuring MY MAN'S NAME (Standing Bear) in print - is out Now! They picked up Bear's client's article on DNA Dowsing and in fact many contributing authors have some DNA work in this issue!
~Shamanic EMPOWERMENT : Unconventional,Revolutionary~
Bear and Rainbow do Revolutionary Eclectic Healing & Beyond (REHAB) Shamanic EMPOWERMENT services because they love to see people take their power back on all levels. They remind people of their personal power that they already know, not to remember, but to LIVE it. Self-empowerment helps people reclaim their power on all levels. They don't just give you a fish. They teach you how to fish so you help elevate those who are willing to take responsibility for their own lifes path.
1. Bring justice to all injustices on every and all levels possible, from personal, to institutional, to global, to universal
2. Personal development / Self-improvement
Healing--It Is All That Is

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