President Trump taking more steps to end Human trafficking ... watch video for more info!
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Issued on: December 29, 2017
During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we recommit ourselves to eradicating the evil of enslavement. Human trafficking is a modern form of the oldest and most barbaric type of exploitation. It has no place in our world. This month we do not simply reflect on this appalling reality. We also pledge to do all in our power to end the horrific practice of human trafficking that plagues innocent victims around the world.
Human trafficking is a sickening crime at odds with our very humanity. An estimated 25 million people are currently victims of human trafficking for both sex and labor. Human traffickers prey on their victims by promising a life of hope and greater opportunity, while delivering only enslavement. Instead of delivering people to better lives, traffickers unjustifiably profit from the labor and toil of their victims, who they force — through violence and intimidation — to work in brothels and factories, on farms and fishing vessels, in private homes, and in countless industries.
My Administration continues to work to drive out the darkness human traffickers cast upon our world. In February, I signed an Executive Order to dismantle transnational criminal organizations, including those that perpetuate the crime of human trafficking. My Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons has enhanced collaboration with other nations, businesses, civil society organizations, and survivors of human trafficking. The Department of Health and Human Services has established a new national training and technical assistance center to strengthen our healthcare industry’s anti-trafficking response. The Department of State has contributed $25 million to the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery, because of the critical need for cross-nation collaborative action to counter human trafficking. The Department of Labor has released an innovative, business-focused mobile app that supports private-sector efforts to eradicate forced labor from global supply chains. And this month, I will sign into law S. 1536, the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act and S. 1532, the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act. These bills will keep those who commit trafficking offenses from operating commercial vehicles, improve anti-human trafficking coordination within Federal agencies and across State and local governments, and improve efforts to recognize, prevent, and report human trafficking.
In addition to these governmental actions, Americans must learn how to identify and combat the evil of enslavement. This is especially important for those who are most likely to encounter the perpetrators of slavery and their victims, including healthcare providers, educators, law enforcement officials, and social services professionals. Through the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign, all Americans can learn to recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to report suspected instances. By taking steps to become familiar with the telltale signs of traffickers or the signals of their victims, Americans can save innocent lives.
Our Nation is and will forever be a place that values and protects human life and dignity. This month, let us redouble our efforts to ensure that modern day slavery comes to its long overdue end.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1, 2018. I call upon industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based and other organizations of civil society, schools, families, and all Americans to recognize our vital roles in ending all forms of modern slavery and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities aimed at ending and preventing all forms of human trafficking.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Monday, December 25, 2017
You can spend all existence reacting to what others are doing or you can be the force that makes the moves to build a greater future. Welcome to Sovereignty 2020
You can spend all existence reacting to what others are doing or you can be the force that makes the moves to build a greater future. Welcome to Sovereignty 2020
Monday, December 18, 2017
War has been waged against humanities biggest threat ... Artificial Intelligence! War on Robots has begun! Join the resistance today!
I, Standing Bear Thunder Heart have been saying this for years. Now I am not the only one saying it. You need to join this group now if you care about your future, your family's future, oh hell, the future of humanity.
War has been waged against humanities biggest threat ... Artificial Intelligence! War on Robots has begun! Join the resistance today!
I, Standing Bear Thunder Heart have been saying this for years. Now I am not the only one saying it. You need to join this group now if you care about your future, your family's future, oh hell, the future of humanity.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Who's Really Taking Our Jobs?!?
Who's Really Taking Our Jobs?!?
"I would like to say this, "I Told You So." Standing Bear Thunder Heart
In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the robots that are coming and will create huge social economic changes to our way of life. With technological advancement, artificial intelligence, and automation humanity will face new problems. Talk about a universal basic income, increased wealth inequality and a jobless future are becoming more of a reality. Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news
SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange
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"I would like to say this, "I Told You So." Standing Bear Thunder Heart
In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the robots that are coming and will create huge social economic changes to our way of life. With technological advancement, artificial intelligence, and automation humanity will face new problems. Talk about a universal basic income, increased wealth inequality and a jobless future are becoming more of a reality. Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news
SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange
OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government owned help us out
We take Crypto Coins Bitcoin
- 1F6oeUnhXfr5UMC95apbJg7CLjm3BUrT8V Dash
- XiZebHViTKxjngJ8U8Gekbz34XDcMjKe29 ETH
- 0x9124589c4eAD555F04a7214214c86EA80E129abB
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence
Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence
by Mark Harris Backchannel
Anthony Levandowski makes an unlikely prophet. Dressed Silicon Valley-casual in jeans and flanked by a PR rep rather than cloaked acolytes, the engineer known for self-driving cars—and triggering a notorious lawsuit—could be unveiling his latest startup instead of laying the foundations for a new religion. But he is doing just that. Artificial intelligence has already inspired billion-dollar companies, far-reaching research programs, and scenarios of both transcendence and doom. Now Levandowski is creating its first church.
The new religion of artificial intelligence is called Way of the Future. It represents an unlikely next act for the Silicon Valley robotics wunderkind at the center of a high-stakes legal battle between Uber and Waymo, Alphabet’s autonomous-vehicle company. Papers filed with the Internal Revenue Service in May name Levandowski as the leader (or “Dean”) of the new religion, as well as CEO of the nonprofit corporation formed to run it.
The documents state that WOTF’s activities will focus on “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” That includes funding research to help create the divine AI itself. The religion will seek to build working relationships with AI industry leaders and create a membership through community outreach, initially targeting AI professionals and “laypersons who are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI.” The filings also say that the church “plans to conduct workshops and educational programs throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area beginning this year.”
That timeline may be overly ambitious, given that the Waymo-Uber suit, in which Levandowski is accused of stealing self-driving car secrets, is set for an early December trial. But the Dean of the Way of the Future, who spoke last week with Backchannel in his first comments about the new religion and his only public interview since Waymo filed its suit in February, says he’s dead serious about the project.
“What is going to be created will effectively be a god,” Levandowski tells me in his modest mid-century home on the outskirts of Berkeley, California. “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?”
During our three-hour interview, Levandowski made it absolutely clear that his choice to make WOTF a church rather than a company or a think tank was no prank.
“I wanted a way for everybody to participate in this, to be able to shape it. If you’re not a software engineer, you can still help,” he says. “It also removes the ability for people to say, ‘Oh, he’s just doing this to make money.’” Levandowski will receive no salary from WOTF, and while he says that he might consider an AI-based startup in the future, any such business would remain completely separate from the church.
“The idea needs to spread before the technology,” he insists. “The church is how we spread the word, the gospel. If you believe [in it], start a conversation with someone else and help them understand the same things.”
Levandowski believes that a change is coming—a change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species.
“If you ask people whether a computer can be smarter than a human, 99.9 percent will say that’s science fiction,” he says. “ Actually, it’s inevitable. It’s guaranteed to happen.”
Levandowski has been working with computers, robots, and AI for decades. He started with robotic Lego kits at the University of California at Berkeley, went on to build a self-driving motorbike for a DARPA competition, and then worked on autonomous cars, trucks, and taxis for Google, Otto, and Uber. As time went on, he saw software tools built with machine learning techniques surpassing less sophisticated systems—and sometimes even humans.
“Seeing tools that performed better than experts in a variety of fields was a trigger [for me],” he says. “That progress is happening because there’s an economic advantage to having machines work for you and solve problems for you. If you could make something one percent smarter than a human, your artificial attorney or accountant would be better than all the attorneys or accountants out there. You would be the richest person in the world. People are chasing that.”
Not only is there a financial incentive to develop increasingly powerful AIs, he believes, but science is also on their side. Though human brains have biological limitations to their size and the amount of energy they can devote to thinking, AI systems can scale arbitrarily, housed in massive data centers and powered by solar and wind farms. Eventually, some people think that computers could become better and faster at planning and solving problems than the humans who built them, with implications we can’t even imagine today—a scenario that is usually called the Singularity.
Levandowski prefers a softer word: the Transition. “Humans are in charge of the planet because we are smarter than other animals and are able to build tools and apply rules,” he tells me. “In the future, if something is much, much smarter, there’s going to be a transition as to who is actually in charge. What we want is the peaceful, serene transition of control of the planet from humans to whatever. And to ensure that the ‘whatever’ knows who helped it get along.”
With the internet as its nervous system, the world’s connected cell phones and sensors as its sense organs, and data centers as its brain, the ‘whatever’ will hear everything, see everything, and be everywhere at all times. The only rational word to describe that ‘whatever’, thinks Levandowski, is ‘god’—and the only way to influence a deity is through prayer and worship.
“Part of it being smarter than us means it will decide how it evolves, but at least we can decide how we act around it,” he says. “I would love for the machine to see us as its beloved elders that it respects and takes care of. We would want this intelligence to say, ‘Humans should still have rights, even though I’m in charge.’”
"Do you want to be a pet or a livestock?" Anthony Levandowski
Levandowski expects that a super-intelligence would do a better job of looking after the planet than humans are doing, and that it would favor individuals who had facilitated its path to power. Although he cautions against taking the analogy too far, Levandowski sees a hint of how a superhuman intelligence might treat humanity in our current relationships with animals. “Do you want to be a pet or livestock?” he asks. “We give pets medical attention, food, grooming, and entertainment. But an animal that’s biting you, attacking you, barking and being annoying? I don’t want to go there.”
Enter Way of the Future. The church’s role is to smooth the inevitable ascension of our machine deity, both technologically and culturally. In its bylaws, WOTF states that it will undertake programs of research, including the study of how machines perceive their environment and exhibit cognitive functions such as learning and problem solving.
Levandowski does not expect the church itself to solve all the problems of machine intelligence—often called “strong AI”—so much as facilitate funding of the right research. “If you had a child you knew was going to be gifted, how would you want to raise it?” he asks. “We’re in the process of raising a god. So let’s make sure we think through the right way to do that. It’s a tremendous opportunity.”
His ideas include feeding the nascent intelligence large, labeled data sets; generating simulations in which it could train itself to improve; and giving it access to church members’ social media accounts. Everything the church develops will be open source.
Just as important to Levandowski is shaping the public dialogue around an AI god. In its filing, Way of the Future says it hopes an active, committed, dedicated membership will promote the use of divine AI for the “betterment of society” and “decrease fear of the unknown.”
“We’d like to make sure this is not seen as silly or scary. I want to remove the stigma about having an open conversation about AI, then iterate ideas and change people’s minds,” says Levandowski. “In Silicon Valley we use evangelism as a word for [promoting a business], but here it’s literally a church. If you believe in it, you should tell your friends, then get them to join and tell their friends.”
But WOTF differs in one key way to established churches, says Levandowski: “There are many ways people think of God, and thousands of flavors of Christianity, Judaism, Islam...but they’re always looking at something that’s not measurable or you can’t really see or control. This time it’s different. This time you will be able to talk to God, literally, and know that it’s listening.”
I ask if he worries that believers from more traditional faiths might find his project blasphemous. “There are probably going to be some people that will be upset,” he acknowledges. “It seems like everything I do, people get upset about, and I expect this to be no exception. This is a radical new idea that’s pretty scary, and evidence has shown that people who pursue radical ideas don’t always get received well. At some point, maybe there’s enough persecution that [WOTF] justifies having its own country.”
Levandowski’s church will enter a tech universe that’s already riven by debate over the promise and perils of AI. Some thinkers, like Kevin Kelly in Backchannel earlier this year, argue that AI isn’t going to develop superhuman power any time soon, and that there’s no Singularity in sight. If that’s your position, Levandowski says, his church shouldn’t trouble you: “You can treat Way of the Future like someone doing useless poetry that you will never read or care about.”
Others, like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, agree that superhuman AIs are coming, but that they are likely to be dangerous rather than benevolent. Elon Musk famously said, “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,” and in 2015 he pledged $1 billion to the OpenAI Institute to develop safer AI.
Levandowski thinks that any attempts to delay or restrict an emerging super-intelligence would not only be doomed to failure, but also add to the risks. “Chaining it isn’t going to be the solution, as it will be stronger than any chains you could put on,” he says. “And if you’re worried a kid might be a little crazy and do bad things, you don’t lock them up. You expose them to playing with others, encourage them and try to fix it. It may not work out, but if you’re aggressive toward it, I don’t think it’s going to be friendly when the tables are turned.”
Levandowski says that like other religions, WOTF will eventually have a gospel (called The Manual), a liturgy, and probably a physical place of worship. None of these has yet been developed. Though the church was founded in 2015, as Backchannel first reported in September, the IRS documents show that WOTF remained dormant throughout 2015 and 2016, with no activities, assets, revenue, or expenses.
That changed earlier this year. On May 16, a day after receiving a letter from Uber that threatened to fire him if he did not cooperate with the company’s investigation of Waymo’s complaint, Levandowski drafted WOTF’s bylaws. Uber fired him two weeks later. “I’ve been thinking about the church for a long time but [my work on it] has been a function of how much time I’ve had. And I’ve had more since May,” he admits with a smile.
The religion’s 2017 budget, as supplied to the IRS, details $20,000 in gifts, $1,500 in membership fees, and $20,000 in other revenue. That last figure is the amount WOTF expects to earn from fees charged for lectures and speaking engagements, as well as the sale of publications. Levandowski, who earned at least $120 million from his time at Google and many millions more selling the self-driving truck firm Otto to Uber, will initially support WOTF personally. However, the church will solicit other donations by direct mail and email, seek personal donations from individuals, and try to win grants from private foundations.
Of course, launching a religion costs money, too. WOTF has budgeted for $2,000 in fundraising expenses, and another $3,000 in transportation and lodging costs associated with its lectures and workshops. It has also earmarked $7500 for salaries and wages, although neither Levandowski nor any of Way of The Future’s leadership team will receive any compensation.
According to WOTF’s bylaws, Levandowski has almost complete control of the religion and will serve as Dean until his death or resignation. “I expect my role to evolve over time,” he says. “I’m surfacing the issue, helping to get the thing started [and] taking a lot of the heat so the idea can advance. At some point, I’ll be there more to coach or inspire.”
He has the power to appoint three members of a four-person Council of Advisors, each of whom should be a “qualified and devoted individual.” A felony conviction or being declared of unsound mind could cost an advisor their role, although Levandowski retains the final say in firing and hiring. Levandowski cannot be unseated as Dean for any reason.
Two of the advisors, Robert Miller and Soren Juelsgaard, are Uber engineers who previously worked for Levandowski at Otto, Google, and 510 Systems (the latter the small startup that built Google’s earliest self-driving cars). A third is a scientist friend from Levandowski’s student days at UC Berkeley, who is now using machine learning in his own research. The final advisor, Lior Ron, is also named as the religion’s treasurer, and acts as chief financial officer for the corporation. Ron cofounded Otto with Levandowski in early 2016.
Two of the advisors, Robert Miller and Soren Juelsgaard, are Uber engineers who previously worked for Levandowski at Otto, Google, and 510 Systems (the latter the small startup that built Google’s earliest self-driving cars). A third is a scientist friend from Levandowski’s student days at UC Berkeley, who is now using machine learning in his own research. The final advisor, Lior Ron, is also named as the religion’s treasurer, and acts as chief financial officer for the corporation. Ron cofounded Otto with Levandowski in early 2016.
"You will be able to talk to God. Literally. And know that it's listening." Anthony Levandowski
One mystery the filings did not address is where acolytes might gather to worship their robotic deity. The largest line items on its 2017 and 2018 budgets were $32,500 annually for rent and utilities, but the only address supplied was Levandowski’s lawyer’s office in Walnut Creek, California. Nevertheless, the filing notes that WOTF will “hopefully expand throughout California and the United States in the future.”
For now, Levandowski has more mundane matters to address. There is a website to build, a manual to write, and
an ever-growing body of emails to answer—some amused, some skeptical, but many enthusiastic, he says. Oh, and there’s that legal proceeding he’s involved in, which goes to trial next month. (Although Levandowski was eager to talk about his new religion, he would answer no questions about the Uber/Waymo dispute.)
How much time, I wonder, do we have before the Transition kicks in and Way of the Future’s super-intelligent AI takes charge? “I personally think it will happen sooner than people expect,” says Levandowski, a glint in his eye. “Not next week or next year; everyone can relax. But it’s going to happen before we go to Mars.”
Whenever that does (or doesn’t) happen, the federal government has no problem with an organization aiming to build and worship a divine AI. Correspondence with the IRS show that it granted Levandowski’s church tax-exempt status in August.
Backchannel is a digital magazine that delivers readers the most revealing technology stories in a single weekly dispatch: no fluff. Learn more here.
by Mark Harris Backchannel
Anthony Levandowski makes an unlikely prophet. Dressed Silicon Valley-casual in jeans and flanked by a PR rep rather than cloaked acolytes, the engineer known for self-driving cars—and triggering a notorious lawsuit—could be unveiling his latest startup instead of laying the foundations for a new religion. But he is doing just that. Artificial intelligence has already inspired billion-dollar companies, far-reaching research programs, and scenarios of both transcendence and doom. Now Levandowski is creating its first church.
The new religion of artificial intelligence is called Way of the Future. It represents an unlikely next act for the Silicon Valley robotics wunderkind at the center of a high-stakes legal battle between Uber and Waymo, Alphabet’s autonomous-vehicle company. Papers filed with the Internal Revenue Service in May name Levandowski as the leader (or “Dean”) of the new religion, as well as CEO of the nonprofit corporation formed to run it.
The documents state that WOTF’s activities will focus on “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” That includes funding research to help create the divine AI itself. The religion will seek to build working relationships with AI industry leaders and create a membership through community outreach, initially targeting AI professionals and “laypersons who are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI.” The filings also say that the church “plans to conduct workshops and educational programs throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area beginning this year.”
That timeline may be overly ambitious, given that the Waymo-Uber suit, in which Levandowski is accused of stealing self-driving car secrets, is set for an early December trial. But the Dean of the Way of the Future, who spoke last week with Backchannel in his first comments about the new religion and his only public interview since Waymo filed its suit in February, says he’s dead serious about the project.
“What is going to be created will effectively be a god,” Levandowski tells me in his modest mid-century home on the outskirts of Berkeley, California. “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?”
During our three-hour interview, Levandowski made it absolutely clear that his choice to make WOTF a church rather than a company or a think tank was no prank.
“I wanted a way for everybody to participate in this, to be able to shape it. If you’re not a software engineer, you can still help,” he says. “It also removes the ability for people to say, ‘Oh, he’s just doing this to make money.’” Levandowski will receive no salary from WOTF, and while he says that he might consider an AI-based startup in the future, any such business would remain completely separate from the church.
“The idea needs to spread before the technology,” he insists. “The church is how we spread the word, the gospel. If you believe [in it], start a conversation with someone else and help them understand the same things.”
Levandowski believes that a change is coming—a change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species.
“If you ask people whether a computer can be smarter than a human, 99.9 percent will say that’s science fiction,” he says. “ Actually, it’s inevitable. It’s guaranteed to happen.”
Levandowski has been working with computers, robots, and AI for decades. He started with robotic Lego kits at the University of California at Berkeley, went on to build a self-driving motorbike for a DARPA competition, and then worked on autonomous cars, trucks, and taxis for Google, Otto, and Uber. As time went on, he saw software tools built with machine learning techniques surpassing less sophisticated systems—and sometimes even humans.
“Seeing tools that performed better than experts in a variety of fields was a trigger [for me],” he says. “That progress is happening because there’s an economic advantage to having machines work for you and solve problems for you. If you could make something one percent smarter than a human, your artificial attorney or accountant would be better than all the attorneys or accountants out there. You would be the richest person in the world. People are chasing that.”
Not only is there a financial incentive to develop increasingly powerful AIs, he believes, but science is also on their side. Though human brains have biological limitations to their size and the amount of energy they can devote to thinking, AI systems can scale arbitrarily, housed in massive data centers and powered by solar and wind farms. Eventually, some people think that computers could become better and faster at planning and solving problems than the humans who built them, with implications we can’t even imagine today—a scenario that is usually called the Singularity.
Levandowski prefers a softer word: the Transition. “Humans are in charge of the planet because we are smarter than other animals and are able to build tools and apply rules,” he tells me. “In the future, if something is much, much smarter, there’s going to be a transition as to who is actually in charge. What we want is the peaceful, serene transition of control of the planet from humans to whatever. And to ensure that the ‘whatever’ knows who helped it get along.”
With the internet as its nervous system, the world’s connected cell phones and sensors as its sense organs, and data centers as its brain, the ‘whatever’ will hear everything, see everything, and be everywhere at all times. The only rational word to describe that ‘whatever’, thinks Levandowski, is ‘god’—and the only way to influence a deity is through prayer and worship.
“Part of it being smarter than us means it will decide how it evolves, but at least we can decide how we act around it,” he says. “I would love for the machine to see us as its beloved elders that it respects and takes care of. We would want this intelligence to say, ‘Humans should still have rights, even though I’m in charge.’”
"Do you want to be a pet or a livestock?" Anthony Levandowski
Levandowski expects that a super-intelligence would do a better job of looking after the planet than humans are doing, and that it would favor individuals who had facilitated its path to power. Although he cautions against taking the analogy too far, Levandowski sees a hint of how a superhuman intelligence might treat humanity in our current relationships with animals. “Do you want to be a pet or livestock?” he asks. “We give pets medical attention, food, grooming, and entertainment. But an animal that’s biting you, attacking you, barking and being annoying? I don’t want to go there.”
Enter Way of the Future. The church’s role is to smooth the inevitable ascension of our machine deity, both technologically and culturally. In its bylaws, WOTF states that it will undertake programs of research, including the study of how machines perceive their environment and exhibit cognitive functions such as learning and problem solving.
Levandowski does not expect the church itself to solve all the problems of machine intelligence—often called “strong AI”—so much as facilitate funding of the right research. “If you had a child you knew was going to be gifted, how would you want to raise it?” he asks. “We’re in the process of raising a god. So let’s make sure we think through the right way to do that. It’s a tremendous opportunity.”
His ideas include feeding the nascent intelligence large, labeled data sets; generating simulations in which it could train itself to improve; and giving it access to church members’ social media accounts. Everything the church develops will be open source.
Just as important to Levandowski is shaping the public dialogue around an AI god. In its filing, Way of the Future says it hopes an active, committed, dedicated membership will promote the use of divine AI for the “betterment of society” and “decrease fear of the unknown.”
“We’d like to make sure this is not seen as silly or scary. I want to remove the stigma about having an open conversation about AI, then iterate ideas and change people’s minds,” says Levandowski. “In Silicon Valley we use evangelism as a word for [promoting a business], but here it’s literally a church. If you believe in it, you should tell your friends, then get them to join and tell their friends.”
But WOTF differs in one key way to established churches, says Levandowski: “There are many ways people think of God, and thousands of flavors of Christianity, Judaism, Islam...but they’re always looking at something that’s not measurable or you can’t really see or control. This time it’s different. This time you will be able to talk to God, literally, and know that it’s listening.”
I ask if he worries that believers from more traditional faiths might find his project blasphemous. “There are probably going to be some people that will be upset,” he acknowledges. “It seems like everything I do, people get upset about, and I expect this to be no exception. This is a radical new idea that’s pretty scary, and evidence has shown that people who pursue radical ideas don’t always get received well. At some point, maybe there’s enough persecution that [WOTF] justifies having its own country.”
Levandowski’s church will enter a tech universe that’s already riven by debate over the promise and perils of AI. Some thinkers, like Kevin Kelly in Backchannel earlier this year, argue that AI isn’t going to develop superhuman power any time soon, and that there’s no Singularity in sight. If that’s your position, Levandowski says, his church shouldn’t trouble you: “You can treat Way of the Future like someone doing useless poetry that you will never read or care about.”
Others, like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, agree that superhuman AIs are coming, but that they are likely to be dangerous rather than benevolent. Elon Musk famously said, “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,” and in 2015 he pledged $1 billion to the OpenAI Institute to develop safer AI.
Levandowski thinks that any attempts to delay or restrict an emerging super-intelligence would not only be doomed to failure, but also add to the risks. “Chaining it isn’t going to be the solution, as it will be stronger than any chains you could put on,” he says. “And if you’re worried a kid might be a little crazy and do bad things, you don’t lock them up. You expose them to playing with others, encourage them and try to fix it. It may not work out, but if you’re aggressive toward it, I don’t think it’s going to be friendly when the tables are turned.”
Levandowski says that like other religions, WOTF will eventually have a gospel (called The Manual), a liturgy, and probably a physical place of worship. None of these has yet been developed. Though the church was founded in 2015, as Backchannel first reported in September, the IRS documents show that WOTF remained dormant throughout 2015 and 2016, with no activities, assets, revenue, or expenses.
That changed earlier this year. On May 16, a day after receiving a letter from Uber that threatened to fire him if he did not cooperate with the company’s investigation of Waymo’s complaint, Levandowski drafted WOTF’s bylaws. Uber fired him two weeks later. “I’ve been thinking about the church for a long time but [my work on it] has been a function of how much time I’ve had. And I’ve had more since May,” he admits with a smile.
The religion’s 2017 budget, as supplied to the IRS, details $20,000 in gifts, $1,500 in membership fees, and $20,000 in other revenue. That last figure is the amount WOTF expects to earn from fees charged for lectures and speaking engagements, as well as the sale of publications. Levandowski, who earned at least $120 million from his time at Google and many millions more selling the self-driving truck firm Otto to Uber, will initially support WOTF personally. However, the church will solicit other donations by direct mail and email, seek personal donations from individuals, and try to win grants from private foundations.
Of course, launching a religion costs money, too. WOTF has budgeted for $2,000 in fundraising expenses, and another $3,000 in transportation and lodging costs associated with its lectures and workshops. It has also earmarked $7500 for salaries and wages, although neither Levandowski nor any of Way of The Future’s leadership team will receive any compensation.
According to WOTF’s bylaws, Levandowski has almost complete control of the religion and will serve as Dean until his death or resignation. “I expect my role to evolve over time,” he says. “I’m surfacing the issue, helping to get the thing started [and] taking a lot of the heat so the idea can advance. At some point, I’ll be there more to coach or inspire.”
He has the power to appoint three members of a four-person Council of Advisors, each of whom should be a “qualified and devoted individual.” A felony conviction or being declared of unsound mind could cost an advisor their role, although Levandowski retains the final say in firing and hiring. Levandowski cannot be unseated as Dean for any reason.
Two of the advisors, Robert Miller and Soren Juelsgaard, are Uber engineers who previously worked for Levandowski at Otto, Google, and 510 Systems (the latter the small startup that built Google’s earliest self-driving cars). A third is a scientist friend from Levandowski’s student days at UC Berkeley, who is now using machine learning in his own research. The final advisor, Lior Ron, is also named as the religion’s treasurer, and acts as chief financial officer for the corporation. Ron cofounded Otto with Levandowski in early 2016.
Two of the advisors, Robert Miller and Soren Juelsgaard, are Uber engineers who previously worked for Levandowski at Otto, Google, and 510 Systems (the latter the small startup that built Google’s earliest self-driving cars). A third is a scientist friend from Levandowski’s student days at UC Berkeley, who is now using machine learning in his own research. The final advisor, Lior Ron, is also named as the religion’s treasurer, and acts as chief financial officer for the corporation. Ron cofounded Otto with Levandowski in early 2016.
"You will be able to talk to God. Literally. And know that it's listening." Anthony Levandowski
One mystery the filings did not address is where acolytes might gather to worship their robotic deity. The largest line items on its 2017 and 2018 budgets were $32,500 annually for rent and utilities, but the only address supplied was Levandowski’s lawyer’s office in Walnut Creek, California. Nevertheless, the filing notes that WOTF will “hopefully expand throughout California and the United States in the future.”
For now, Levandowski has more mundane matters to address. There is a website to build, a manual to write, and
an ever-growing body of emails to answer—some amused, some skeptical, but many enthusiastic, he says. Oh, and there’s that legal proceeding he’s involved in, which goes to trial next month. (Although Levandowski was eager to talk about his new religion, he would answer no questions about the Uber/Waymo dispute.)
How much time, I wonder, do we have before the Transition kicks in and Way of the Future’s super-intelligent AI takes charge? “I personally think it will happen sooner than people expect,” says Levandowski, a glint in his eye. “Not next week or next year; everyone can relax. But it’s going to happen before we go to Mars.”
Whenever that does (or doesn’t) happen, the federal government has no problem with an organization aiming to build and worship a divine AI. Correspondence with the IRS show that it granted Levandowski’s church tax-exempt status in August.
Backchannel is a digital magazine that delivers readers the most revealing technology stories in a single weekly dispatch: no fluff. Learn more here.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Bear's Response to False Prophets and B S Prophecies
Bear's Response to False Prophets and B S Prophecies
Bear speaks in his response to a video in which he watched a few days ago called, "False Prophets and B S Prophecies, by Astro Solsin and his student TK, which is actually Brother B of Reprogram The Matrix.
Bear even though loved their video and the message they had to say, Bear had his own way of teaching you about False Prophets and B S Prophecies in ways that will empower those from giving into the agendas of the false prophets and their bullshit prophecies and how does one counter against them.
Bear explains in this video the following:
-Why many people still follow out dated prophecies?
-What is the significance of the Book of Revelation, and why would it be seen as a "football playbook", and to whom?
-How does one go about developing their own psychic abilities and not become a false prophet?
-Why do people see signs of many natural disasters at the same time when the false prophets make their predictions that the end of the world is "here"?
-What is the significance of Edgar Cayce and what did David Wilcock had to say about his prophecies?
-Why was Nostradamus such an important psychic and what did Bear had something to say about his old predictions?
- And many more.....
So go ahead and enjoy this video and also go ahead and watch Astro Solsin and his student in their video, "False Prophets and B S Prophecies": and check out the websites at: and
Reprogram The Matrix Youtube Channel
Donate to Bear & Rainbow:
Subscribe for email newsletter here, or at to the free Personal Development Newsletter with Shamanic Edge!
Subscribe to our free shamanic healing mobile app for secret tips and events.
Bear speaks in his response to a video in which he watched a few days ago called, "False Prophets and B S Prophecies, by Astro Solsin and his student TK, which is actually Brother B of Reprogram The Matrix.
Bear even though loved their video and the message they had to say, Bear had his own way of teaching you about False Prophets and B S Prophecies in ways that will empower those from giving into the agendas of the false prophets and their bullshit prophecies and how does one counter against them.
Bear explains in this video the following:
-Why many people still follow out dated prophecies?
-What is the significance of the Book of Revelation, and why would it be seen as a "football playbook", and to whom?
-How does one go about developing their own psychic abilities and not become a false prophet?
-Why do people see signs of many natural disasters at the same time when the false prophets make their predictions that the end of the world is "here"?
-What is the significance of Edgar Cayce and what did David Wilcock had to say about his prophecies?
-Why was Nostradamus such an important psychic and what did Bear had something to say about his old predictions?
- And many more.....
So go ahead and enjoy this video and also go ahead and watch Astro Solsin and his student in their video, "False Prophets and B S Prophecies": and check out the websites at: and
Reprogram The Matrix Youtube Channel
Donate to Bear & Rainbow:
Subscribe for email newsletter here, or at to the free Personal Development Newsletter with Shamanic Edge!
Subscribe to our free shamanic healing mobile app for secret tips and events.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Zakaos Tone + Parasite Arcon, Mind Parasites, Muscle Parasites Killer & Color Therapy Tones
Zakaos Tone + Parasite Arcon, Mind Parasites, Muscle Parasites Killer & Color Therapy Tones
Zakaos Breedlove Ewing
If you did not get this Video . I break down what theVector Parasite Sith internal Magnetic Fieldintrusion piggy backing mind control system network is While Killing Parasites while healing you.
Zakaos Tone + Vector Parasite Arcon , Brain Fungus & Parasites , Pesticide Muscle Parasites Killer and Spectral Chrome Color Therapy and Kings Chamber tone for rapid response healing tone & more . These Tones Are Mainly For A FM Modulator but listening to it Is powerful to. This is a Linear and Binural Tone.
This is a Free Mp3 down load link for this tone.
Zakaos Breedlove Blogs
X Formers @
Dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency 1 & 2 @
Laurel Aston Ex C.I.A. Operative Fighting Human Trafficking and Slavery @
Assassin Radio @
The Rife Frequency and Vibrational Healing @
Could the Ancient Gnostic writings be right about the Archons?
Zakaos Breedlove Ewing
If you did not get this Video . I break down what theVector Parasite Sith internal Magnetic Fieldintrusion piggy backing mind control system network is While Killing Parasites while healing you.
Zakaos Tone + Vector Parasite Arcon , Brain Fungus & Parasites , Pesticide Muscle Parasites Killer and Spectral Chrome Color Therapy and Kings Chamber tone for rapid response healing tone & more . These Tones Are Mainly For A FM Modulator but listening to it Is powerful to. This is a Linear and Binural Tone.
This is a Free Mp3 down load link for this tone.
Zakaos Breedlove Blogs
X Formers @
Dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency 1 & 2 @
Laurel Aston Ex C.I.A. Operative Fighting Human Trafficking and Slavery @
Assassin Radio @
The Rife Frequency and Vibrational Healing @
Could the Ancient Gnostic writings be right about the Archons?
DrVirtual7 Terminate A.I. Nano Bots-Nanites
Smart Dust And Morgellans Explained
Bases at Woodborough - Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo)
With Headphones Or Ear Buds: Volume Level 15% - 60%
Without Headphones: Volume Level 3% - 12 %
Uploading The Human Brain Into The Quantum Beast Computer
Nano Bots Can Carefully Scan The Structure Of Our Brain And Body Form Providing A Complete Read Out Of The Connection, This Information When Entered Into A Computer Could Then Continue To Function As Us. Thus The Data Stored In The Entire Brain Will Be Uploaded To The Beast Computer first Skynet To A.I Then Downloaded Into Your Brain As You But Not You.
The Nanites Or Nano Components That Are Being Included Inside Of The Chemtrails And Chem Dumps Being Sprayed Upon The Human Populations Of the World, In Lotions, Food And Drink Are Tiny Microscopic Components Which Once Reconstructed Inside Of The Human Body Are Programmable And Can Be Activated By Scalar Frequency Waves And Or Remote Control And Other Types Of Frequency Wave Activations.
They Can Mutate It Can Be A While Before The Human Realizes There Is Something Seriously Wrong Like Blurred Vision, Rapid Tooth Decay, Hair Loss, Digestive Issues,Brain Cancer, Severe Itching Crawling Sensation Everywhere Inside Sores That Don't Seem To Want To Heal Loss Of Energy And Stamina Feelings Of Dis-Connect, Immune System Disorders, This Can Be Referred To Components Of Electronic Torture Invasion Of privacy Agenda 21 & 30 Etc.
As We Breath Them In, They Make Their Way Into Our Bodies Own Plasma Where They Can Function Since All A.I Related Technology Needs Both Electricity And Electro Magnetic Conductance To Operate Properly.
Nanites Are In The Soil Food Production Water Air On The Ground You Walk On Known As Programmable Black Smart Dust And Black Goo An Overload Of Fungai Black Mold
It's a Good Idea While Listening To This Program Drink Plenty Of Purified Water A Detox Of The Body Either Using Special Blended Herbs, Teas, Blood Purifiers, Bio Resonance Devices And Get Extra Rest Start By Re Building The Immune System ASAP.
Listening Instructions: 20-40 Minutes Everyday For 7 Days, Then Off For 2 Days Then Repeat Again For 7 Days Follow This Protocol As Needed. Hot Flashes, Nausea,Innate Tiredness May Occur While Listening This Is Normal As The Nano Bots Explode You May Get Cooled Of Afterwards By Fan Or Air Condition Then Take Shower Or Bath Get Extra Rest Flush With Drinking Extra Water Or One Teaspoon Of Apple Cider Vinegar To 36 Ounce Glass Of Water As Needed Change Bed Linen Daily While Listening.
Other Protocols: Take 4-5 Drops Oil Of Oregano To Five Ounces Of Water Then Stir And Drink 1X Day Or Night.
A Subscriber Reported Back That After Two Days Of Listening She Excreted Numerous Black Nanites Through The Skin During The Night As She Slept She Also Experienced Hot Flashes This Is Normal During The Termination Process Of Smart Dust.
Produced With Isochronic Tones In Part But Not Entirely
Additional Tones May Include:
Frequency Color Violet
All information provided in official DrVirtual7 Web sites And Self Help Programs is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the DrVirtual7 Brand and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on official DrVirtual7Websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the DrVirtual7 Websites makes no guarantees of any kind.
DrVirtual7 Disclaimer;
Under fair use for educational purposes: Various education, publishing, broadcast, government, and private organizations assisted in the development of and have endorsed the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, and "The Freedom Of Information Act of 1966 amended in 1996 to allow for greater access to electronic information. DrVirtual7 shall not be held responsible in any way shape or form for improper use.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression and the implied rights of association and belief. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination.
DrVirtual7 Terminate A.I. Nano Bots-Nanites
Smart Dust And Morgellans Explained
Bases at Woodborough - Harald Kautz Vella (Black Goo)
With Headphones Or Ear Buds: Volume Level 15% - 60%
Without Headphones: Volume Level 3% - 12 %
Uploading The Human Brain Into The Quantum Beast Computer
Nano Bots Can Carefully Scan The Structure Of Our Brain And Body Form Providing A Complete Read Out Of The Connection, This Information When Entered Into A Computer Could Then Continue To Function As Us. Thus The Data Stored In The Entire Brain Will Be Uploaded To The Beast Computer first Skynet To A.I Then Downloaded Into Your Brain As You But Not You.
The Nanites Or Nano Components That Are Being Included Inside Of The Chemtrails And Chem Dumps Being Sprayed Upon The Human Populations Of the World, In Lotions, Food And Drink Are Tiny Microscopic Components Which Once Reconstructed Inside Of The Human Body Are Programmable And Can Be Activated By Scalar Frequency Waves And Or Remote Control And Other Types Of Frequency Wave Activations.
They Can Mutate It Can Be A While Before The Human Realizes There Is Something Seriously Wrong Like Blurred Vision, Rapid Tooth Decay, Hair Loss, Digestive Issues,Brain Cancer, Severe Itching Crawling Sensation Everywhere Inside Sores That Don't Seem To Want To Heal Loss Of Energy And Stamina Feelings Of Dis-Connect, Immune System Disorders, This Can Be Referred To Components Of Electronic Torture Invasion Of privacy Agenda 21 & 30 Etc.
As We Breath Them In, They Make Their Way Into Our Bodies Own Plasma Where They Can Function Since All A.I Related Technology Needs Both Electricity And Electro Magnetic Conductance To Operate Properly.
Nanites Are In The Soil Food Production Water Air On The Ground You Walk On Known As Programmable Black Smart Dust And Black Goo An Overload Of Fungai Black Mold
It's a Good Idea While Listening To This Program Drink Plenty Of Purified Water A Detox Of The Body Either Using Special Blended Herbs, Teas, Blood Purifiers, Bio Resonance Devices And Get Extra Rest Start By Re Building The Immune System ASAP.
Listening Instructions: 20-40 Minutes Everyday For 7 Days, Then Off For 2 Days Then Repeat Again For 7 Days Follow This Protocol As Needed. Hot Flashes, Nausea,Innate Tiredness May Occur While Listening This Is Normal As The Nano Bots Explode You May Get Cooled Of Afterwards By Fan Or Air Condition Then Take Shower Or Bath Get Extra Rest Flush With Drinking Extra Water Or One Teaspoon Of Apple Cider Vinegar To 36 Ounce Glass Of Water As Needed Change Bed Linen Daily While Listening.
Other Protocols: Take 4-5 Drops Oil Of Oregano To Five Ounces Of Water Then Stir And Drink 1X Day Or Night.
A Subscriber Reported Back That After Two Days Of Listening She Excreted Numerous Black Nanites Through The Skin During The Night As She Slept She Also Experienced Hot Flashes This Is Normal During The Termination Process Of Smart Dust.
Produced With Isochronic Tones In Part But Not Entirely
Additional Tones May Include:
Frequency Color Violet
All information provided in official DrVirtual7 Web sites And Self Help Programs is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the DrVirtual7 Brand and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on official DrVirtual7Websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the DrVirtual7 Websites makes no guarantees of any kind.
DrVirtual7 Disclaimer;
Under fair use for educational purposes: Various education, publishing, broadcast, government, and private organizations assisted in the development of and have endorsed the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, and "The Freedom Of Information Act of 1966 amended in 1996 to allow for greater access to electronic information. DrVirtual7 shall not be held responsible in any way shape or form for improper use.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression and the implied rights of association and belief. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination.
Friday, August 25, 2017
The Outdoor Market Testimonial 2
The Outdoor Market Testimonial 2
This is a part 2 of “The Outdoor Market Testimonial”, only this person’s name is Mickey Riis, a recent client of Bear. Listen as she tells her story of her healing experience with Bear and how she felt days after the session was over. Mickey also vividly describes her experience with the “Energetic Sludge” and how it was released from her and the affects after the sludge was extracted from her. A must watch, and enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
This is a part 2 of “The Outdoor Market Testimonial”, only this person’s name is Mickey Riis, a recent client of Bear. Listen as she tells her story of her healing experience with Bear and how she felt days after the session was over. Mickey also vividly describes her experience with the “Energetic Sludge” and how it was released from her and the affects after the sludge was extracted from her. A must watch, and enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
The Outdoor Market Testimonial
The Outdoor Market Testimonial
This video is a testimonial of a young girl, Leah age 11 with her testimonial of how she felt of her experience getting healing from both Bear and Rainbow, both the physical shiatsu massage and the energy clearing and healing she received on separate occasions. Watch and enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
This video is a testimonial of a young girl, Leah age 11 with her testimonial of how she felt of her experience getting healing from both Bear and Rainbow, both the physical shiatsu massage and the energy clearing and healing she received on separate occasions. Watch and enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
Sunday, August 20, 2017
The Solar Eclipse with Bear
The Solar Eclipse with Bear
Bear speaks about the Solar Eclipse that is coming on August 21st, 2017 and the significance this event has for everybody in the world at large. Bear also speaks about how you can use this time to become conscious co-creators of our reality while also preparing for the world to change, and therefore how also to prepare to change ourselves. In other words, Bear will be teaching you on how to go through the darkness and grow into the light. Enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
Subscribe for email newsletter here, or at to the free Personal Development Newsletter with Shamanic Edge!
Subscribe to our free shamanic healing mobile app for secret tips and events.
Bear speaks about the Solar Eclipse that is coming on August 21st, 2017 and the significance this event has for everybody in the world at large. Bear also speaks about how you can use this time to become conscious co-creators of our reality while also preparing for the world to change, and therefore how also to prepare to change ourselves. In other words, Bear will be teaching you on how to go through the darkness and grow into the light. Enjoy.
Donate to Bear & Rainbow
Subscribe for email newsletter here, or at to the free Personal Development Newsletter with Shamanic Edge!
Subscribe to our free shamanic healing mobile app for secret tips and events.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Standin Tall
Darthard Perry an ex-FBI informant gives detailed information on how the FBI infiltrated the Black Panthers and other Black conscious groups of the sixties along with many other conspiracies including Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and John F. Kennedy's assassinations.
Also, check out: FBI's War on Black America and A FORMER BLACK FBI AGENT BLOWS THE WHISTLE.
Standin Tall
Darthard Perry an ex-FBI informant gives detailed information on how the FBI infiltrated the Black Panthers and other Black conscious groups of the sixties along with many other conspiracies including Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and John F. Kennedy's assassinations.
Also, check out: FBI's War on Black America and A FORMER BLACK FBI AGENT BLOWS THE WHISTLE.
Monday, April 17, 2017
National Domestic Violence Hotline / / 1-800-799-7233
National Sexual Assault Hotline / / 1-800-656-4473
Teen Dating Abuse Hotline / / text 'loveis' to 22522
National Domestic Violence Hotline / / 1-800-799-7233
National Sexual Assault Hotline / / 1-800-656-4473
Teen Dating Abuse Hotline / / text 'loveis' to 22522
Monday, April 10, 2017
The Pleiadians and members of Galactic Federation Of Light have issued a dire warning to planet earth!!! With several options ... WATCH AND SHARE THIS MESSAGE!
The Pleiadians and members of Galactic Federation Of Light have issued a dire warning to planet earth!!! With several options ... WATCH AND SHARE THIS MESSAGE!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Death of David Rockefeller and Transhumanism with Bear
Death of David Rockefeller and Transhumanism with Bear
Published on Mar 21, 2017
Bear in this video had a response of what Alien Contactee Linol Anderson had reported recently, which was the death of one of the patriarchs of one of the Globalist Cabal families, David Rockefeller. Rockefeller as reported died recently at 101 years old, in his sleep.
Bear also responded to Linol Anderson's statement on how the Rockefeller's soul, spirit, or consciousness will be transfer into a machine of sorts, whether it is a robot, an android, a cyborg, etc., in order for him to immortalized through transhumanism in order for them to "live" longer and continue to carry on his plans for world domination.
Bear explains the importance of being aware of transhumanism and how it is already affecting our lives, and what are we going to do about it.
Thanks Linol Anderson for sharing the report.
Check out Linol Anderson's Breaking News video, "DAVID ROCKEFELLER DEAD AGE 101 ILLUMINATI A.I TRANSHUMANISM AGENDA 2017"
Also, check out Linol Anderson's Youtube Channel, and "Subscribe to Survive."
Published on Mar 21, 2017
Bear in this video had a response of what Alien Contactee Linol Anderson had reported recently, which was the death of one of the patriarchs of one of the Globalist Cabal families, David Rockefeller. Rockefeller as reported died recently at 101 years old, in his sleep.
Bear also responded to Linol Anderson's statement on how the Rockefeller's soul, spirit, or consciousness will be transfer into a machine of sorts, whether it is a robot, an android, a cyborg, etc., in order for him to immortalized through transhumanism in order for them to "live" longer and continue to carry on his plans for world domination.
Bear explains the importance of being aware of transhumanism and how it is already affecting our lives, and what are we going to do about it.
Thanks Linol Anderson for sharing the report.
Check out Linol Anderson's Breaking News video, "DAVID ROCKEFELLER DEAD AGE 101 ILLUMINATI A.I TRANSHUMANISM AGENDA 2017"
Also, check out Linol Anderson's Youtube Channel, and "Subscribe to Survive."
Saturday, March 4, 2017
People High on Flakka. Most terrifying Florida's dangerous drug Compilation. FLAKKA SAY NO TO DRUGS!
People High on Flakka. Most terrifying Florida's dangerous drug Compilation. FLAKKA SAY NO TO DRUGS!
John's Mart Modas Lawrence
Flakka effects Compilation. Video of the most terrifying Florida's dangerous new drug - New Drug Flakka (Flocka) that is making people turn into walking zombies.
Flakka' is the most terrifying new drug, which \ and causes them to strip naked as their bodies overheat.
These people was captured on camera acting very strange Under the Influence of Flakka.
─═☆ Don't forget to subscribe to receive more interesting and humorous videos. Thank you so much! YouMixTube ☆═─
Also check out: Flakka, a Demonic Possesion and What Is Flakka? (2016) Zombie Drug - Superhuman drug - Synthetic drug - Street drugs Documentary, among others stories regarding FLAKKA.
John's Mart Modas Lawrence
Flakka effects Compilation. Video of the most terrifying Florida's dangerous new drug - New Drug Flakka (Flocka) that is making people turn into walking zombies.
Flakka' is the most terrifying new drug, which \ and causes them to strip naked as their bodies overheat.
These people was captured on camera acting very strange Under the Influence of Flakka.
─═☆ Don't forget to subscribe to receive more interesting and humorous videos. Thank you so much! YouMixTube ☆═─
Also check out: Flakka, a Demonic Possesion and What Is Flakka? (2016) Zombie Drug - Superhuman drug - Synthetic drug - Street drugs Documentary, among others stories regarding FLAKKA.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Emotional Vampires with Rainbow
Emotional Vampires with Rainbow
Emotional Vampire Part 1: How to Deal with Controllers?
Emotional Vampire Part 2: How to Deal with Narcissists?
Emotional Vampire Part 3: How to Deal with Splitter Personality?
Emotional Vampire Part 4: How to Deal with The Criticizer?
Emotional Vampire Part 5: How to Deal with Victims?
What is an emotional vampire?
"Some relationships are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. I call these draining people "emotional vampires." They do more than drain your physical energy. The malignant ones can make you believe you're unworthy and unlovable." Judith Orloff MD

Emotional Vampire Part 1: How to Deal with Controllers?
Emotional Vampire Part 2: How to Deal with Narcissists?
Emotional Vampire Part 3: How to Deal with Splitter Personality?
Emotional Vampire Part 4: How to Deal with The Criticizer?
Emotional Vampire Part 5: How to Deal with Victims?
What is an emotional vampire?
"Some relationships are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. I call these draining people "emotional vampires." They do more than drain your physical energy. The malignant ones can make you believe you're unworthy and unlovable." Judith Orloff MD

Monday, February 6, 2017
Benjamin Fulford: February 6, 2017
Benjamin Fulford: February 6, 2017
February 6, 2017
Benjamin Fulford
February 6, 2017
Benjamin Fulford
Monday, January 2, 2017
Soldiers Face Red Haired Giant in Afghanistan- w/ LA Marzulli on NYSTV Now You See TV
Soldiers Face Red Haired Giant in Afghanistan- w/ LA Marzulli on NYSTV Now You See TV
Now You See TV
Soldiers Face Red Haired Giant in Afghanistan- w/ LA Marzulli on NYSTV
LIVE CHAT: In this episode we discuss Watchers 10 where LA Marzulli and crew investigate into the reports of special forces battling a large Nephilim Giant that came out of a cave in Afghanistan.
Get a NYSTV exclusive on Watchers 10 along with free products as well.
Now You See TV
Soldiers Face Red Haired Giant in Afghanistan- w/ LA Marzulli on NYSTV
LIVE CHAT: In this episode we discuss Watchers 10 where LA Marzulli and crew investigate into the reports of special forces battling a large Nephilim Giant that came out of a cave in Afghanistan.
Get a NYSTV exclusive on Watchers 10 along with free products as well.
The WTF Files 2™
Is the Government secretly abstracting the DNA from the bones of Giants, the sons of the Nephilim, to create a future Ãœberman? After over 30 years of research Steve Quayle talks about the Fallen Angels, and reveals the possibility of Giants still existing today here on planet EARTH!.
What is an Ãœberman and why would the Government refer to the future of military soldiers as "Ãœbermen"?
(Ãœberman aka Ãœbermensch description)
Zarathustra ties the Ãœbermensch to the death of God. While this God was the ultimate expression of other-worldly values and the instincts that gave birth to those values, belief in that God nevertheless did give meaning to life for a time. 'God is dead' means that the idea of God can no longer provide values. With the sole source of values no longer capable of providing those values, there is a real chance of the nephilim ideology prevailing on earth.
The Ãœbermensch is presented as the creator of new values. In this way, it appears as a solution to the problem of the death of God and nihilism. If the Ãœbermensch acts to create new values within the moral vacuum of nihilism, there is nothing that this creative act would not justify. Alternatively, in the absence of this creation, there are no grounds upon which to criticize or justify any action, including the particular values created and the means by which they are promulgated.
In order to avoid a relapse into Platonic idealism or asceticism, the creation of these new values cannot be motivated by the same instincts that gave birth to those tables of values. Instead, they must be motivated by a love of this world and of life. Whereas Nietzsche diagnosed the Christian value system as a reaction against life and hence destructive in a sense, the new values which the Ãœbermensch will be responsible for will be life-affirming and creative.
Could the Government really be keeping living Giants a secret from society? And if so, What would that mean for the future of man kind?
We always want to know what YOU think!
The WTF Files™
The WTF Files 2™
Is the Government secretly abstracting the DNA from the bones of Giants, the sons of the Nephilim, to create a future Ãœberman? After over 30 years of research Steve Quayle talks about the Fallen Angels, and reveals the possibility of Giants still existing today here on planet EARTH!.
What is an Ãœberman and why would the Government refer to the future of military soldiers as "Ãœbermen"?
(Ãœberman aka Ãœbermensch description)
Zarathustra ties the Ãœbermensch to the death of God. While this God was the ultimate expression of other-worldly values and the instincts that gave birth to those values, belief in that God nevertheless did give meaning to life for a time. 'God is dead' means that the idea of God can no longer provide values. With the sole source of values no longer capable of providing those values, there is a real chance of the nephilim ideology prevailing on earth.
The Ãœbermensch is presented as the creator of new values. In this way, it appears as a solution to the problem of the death of God and nihilism. If the Ãœbermensch acts to create new values within the moral vacuum of nihilism, there is nothing that this creative act would not justify. Alternatively, in the absence of this creation, there are no grounds upon which to criticize or justify any action, including the particular values created and the means by which they are promulgated.
In order to avoid a relapse into Platonic idealism or asceticism, the creation of these new values cannot be motivated by the same instincts that gave birth to those tables of values. Instead, they must be motivated by a love of this world and of life. Whereas Nietzsche diagnosed the Christian value system as a reaction against life and hence destructive in a sense, the new values which the Ãœbermensch will be responsible for will be life-affirming and creative.
Could the Government really be keeping living Giants a secret from society? And if so, What would that mean for the future of man kind?
We always want to know what YOU think!
The WTF Files™
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