Alex welcomes to the show Alfred Adask, the publisher of the AntiShyster News Magazine. Adask is the founder of one of the largest legal reform organizations, Citizens for Legal Reform. He ran for the Texas Supreme Court in 1992 and received 201,000 votes. Earlier this year, he was the target of a CBS 60 Minutes hit piece on the Sovereign Citizen movement. In response, Adask penned a piece entitled "Am I About To Be Labeled a 'Domestic Terrorist'?" Alex also covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls.
Follow (Rainbow’s), (mission account) (Bear’s)
Healing--It Is All That Is

***GET YOUR BOOK!!! "Standing Bear & Rainbow Heart Speak on Everyday Empowerment"----available soon. Standby!!! ***
Meanwhile, order Llewellyn 2008 Magical Almanac featuring MY MAN'S NAME (Standing Bear) in print - is out Now! They picked up Bear's client's article on DNA Dowsing and in fact many contributing authors have some DNA work in this issue!
~Shamanic EMPOWERMENT : Unconventional,Revolutionary~
Bear and Rainbow do Revolutionary Eclectic Healing & Beyond (REHAB) Shamanic EMPOWERMENT services because they love to see people take their power back on all levels. They remind people of their personal power that they already know, not to remember, but to LIVE it. Self-empowerment helps people reclaim their power on all levels. They don't just give you a fish. They teach you how to fish so you help elevate those who are willing to take responsibility for their own lifes path.
1. Bring justice to all injustices on every and all levels possible, from personal, to institutional, to global, to universal
2. Personal development / Self-improvement
Healing--It Is All That Is

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